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Ferretti S.p.A.
Via Ansaldo, 7
47122 - Forlì (FC) - Italien
Tel.: (+39) 0543-787511




Via Predore, 30
24067 - Sarnico (BG) - Italien
Tel.: (+39) 035-9240111

Viale San Bartolomeo, 380
19126 - La Spezia (SP) - Italien
Tel.: (+39) 0187-28621

Via Enrico Mattei, 26
60125 - Ancona (AN) - Italien
Tel.: (+39) 071-5011111




Ferretti Group of America Llc
1445 SE 16th Street
Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale, FL 33316 - USA
Tel.: (+1) 954-462-5527

Ferretti Group Asia Pacific Limited
Gloucester Tower, The Landmark,
15 Queen's Road Central, Hongkong - China
Tel.: (+852) 37131000 Hongkong
Tel.: (+86) 2163735258 Shanghai



Riva Yacht Logo

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